American girl Magazine is a magazine that is targeted at girls aged between ages eight to their teen years. This magazine is published by American publicist American Girl. The American girl brand, apart from being a publishing house, also offers accessories that are attached to this brand – clothing, books, dolls, and characters that engage the reader on a variety of issues.
This bi-monthly magazine contrasts sharply, with glossy magazines in the market designed for teens. The magazine emphasizes on building up the self confidence of the reader by publishing uplifting stories, offering professional advice on issues that girls face, engaging the mind of the reader via crossword puzzles, throwing in some girlish giggles in the mix, and lastly by ensuring that girls try out their hand at various crafts. This is a magazine that in many respects is short on scandal, and the stuff that easily deceives the mind of many teen girls’ impressionable minds.
The magazine can be picked from a supermarket rack or you could simply access it via the online subscription. The online subscription route – via the official website of the American girl magazine- looks something like this:
- Foremost, you log onto the online portal American Girl;
- This leads you to the official webpage of the American girl magazine; at this main web page there is a navigation bar from where you get to select the link that you would wish to visit – shopping, stores, et al;
- It goes without saying that to subscribe for this magazine via this route you need to have an account on the website, if you do not then register;
- Once registered, the online shop is open to you and from here you can place an order on the number of subscriptions that you want. The standard retail price for all these six issues wanders around $ 88 per annum.
The magazine has accessories that are attached to the brand: Bookstore, dolls, clothing, furniture, and similar accessories. From the bookstore you can get your daughter works that touch on historical fiction, contemporary fiction, and advice. You can also get clothes that bear the American girl brand. For a growing girl, toys are still dear and consequently you can purchase any of the American girl characters stocked at the online shop. You can also get gift cards to make the day of some dear girl in your life.
The reality of the modern world is that our young girls are inundated with a lot of wrong ideas from their environment. You need to reinforce positive energy during the developing years of the children in your life. To positively affirm their self identity you need to feed the minds of children on stuff that makes them glow from the inside, you need to invest in material that will build up the self confidence during this fragile years. Such a reality can be possible when you subscribe to this magazine that is long on good values and skimpy on ‘entertainment’. Make your subscriptions today.