Many of the teenage girls as well as housewives are trying to make more money for their lives through part time or some easy jobs. To be a beautician or sales girl for a company that earns a good reputation all over the world is though to be the biggest achievement by many of them. If you want to work with a company that produces best quality cosmetic products then it should be on the top of the list. You can sign up at their website and after you have done this you will be a representative of this company and you can get your salary by selling their products. It is a simple and easy job if you have good communication skills.
Online process to apply for a job at this website is very easy and you just need to fill out a simple information form and the rest is done automatically by the site.
- To associate with this company need to visit this site .
- Click on the pink colored link “sign in/register”.
- On the next page you will see a button “join now” given under a large font heading “become an independent representative”.
- You will be given your form to fill, select your title from the drop down menu.
- Type your first name and last name.
- Select your suffix and date of birth from the drop down menu.
- Click on “continue”.
- Given your contact information including email address, primary phone number, home address, city, postal code, preference language, preferred time to be contacted and at the last tell them how you have heard about them.
- Click on “continue”.
- The third step is about “sign in information”, in which you have to give your user name and password.
- Click on “continue” and follow the direction given next.
- Remember that to be representative you have to pay $10 and in the start you can keep your 50 percent but after that you have to work to make 50 percent profit.
Not only your salary you can also get their products for you at discounts and if you have done a good job for them you may get bonuses from the company.
About Company:
Avon is the cosmetic company established in 1886. I is based in United States. It also provides a range of clothing and perfumes for women.