Join Purdue OWL To Send Mail To Writing Lab Tutor

For getting help on writing lab by sending an online message, you can see the steps below.


  • If you want to get a tutor service, and want to make contact with the tutor in this regard with your internet access, you can visit this link for further proceedings. .
  • After you will enter the above mentioned link, click on “The Writing Lab At Purdue” green highlighted area.
  • You will move on the next page see the right hand side main menu click on “Services’ option. On the left hand side you will see the services.
  • As you are interested in contacting the tutor for this online writing lab facility, you will have to go to the option named as “Email a Tutor” which is the first option in the page.
  • At this option, you can clearly see a link by the name of “Send an email” present under this option. Click on this option and move to the next page.
  • At the next page which has the name as “Contact the OWL Mail Tutors”, you will see the further information in terms of getting help from the tutor available online on the company. You can also see the number of online tutors which are present at the time of contact.
  • You can get any kind of help by just making an online message to the online available tutors and you will need the guide on your writing lab issue in no time. The process of composing a message for the tutor requires some requirements to be filled before making contact to the tutor.
  • You can see clearly some text fields to be filled located at the end of the page. Enter the information which is asked in these fields. You will have to enter your name which is necessarily required to give. After your name you will have to enter you email ID in the next field which is also a required filed on which you can get the help on your asked issue.
  • In the fields below, you can give your current location from where you belong or you can write the name of your institute. This is an optional field. In the next field, create the subject of your message for the ease of recipient. You can also skip this field.
  • Now compose your message containing the guide line which you want to ask. Give the security confirmation by entering image characters in the box below and submit your message.

About Company:

For having better lab writing, Company has issued a service in which all the interested people can get online help from their experts to improve their skills.

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