Apply Online For Your Phone Line From California Lifeline.

Phone bills are one of the main points of house discussions especially when there are girls in the house. You just can’t control your phone bills when your girls are chatting with their friends for hours and hours on and on however the California lifeline is not for each and every family and neither this facility is present on each and every network but the most important point is to be eligible for the facility which has its own criteria and rules. It is a regulatory agency of the state which regulates privately owned public utilities which include electronics, telecommunication, natural gas and the water facility. They also provide the good carriers and potation companies.  The California life line is a state program which provides discount at basic home service for phones to the eligible households.

California Lifeline CRITERIA

To avail the facilities of the California life line the person from the household must be employed in some selected organizations and that is why he is considered to be worthy of the phone line facility with discount.

Eligibility Criteria:

1-      A person can be employed on some medical job like Medicaid.

2-       A low income Home energy assistance program (LIHEAP)

3-      Supplemental security income (SSI)

4-      Federal Public housing Assistance or sections.

5-      Cal fresh.

6-      Food stamps or supplemental  Nutrition Assistance program (SNAP)

7-      Women, Infants and Children program.

8-      Healthy families category A

9-      National School lunch Program (NSLP).

10-  Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (Calworks).

11-  County work opportunity and Responsibility to kids (Stan works).

12-  Welfare to work (WTW).

13-  Greater Avenues for Independence (GAIN).

14-  Tribal TANF, Bureau of Indian Affairs General Assistance.

15-  Head Start Income Eligible.

16-  Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations.

Apply For California Lifeline

There are three methods to apply for California life line. One is by your phone line and the second one is applied when you don’t have a phone service at your home then there are special numbers to contact the California Call center while the third one is applying online.

If you don’t have a phone:

If there is no facility of a phone in your house then there are numbers available given by the California lifeline to call the customer care call center to find out the available phone companies in your area which are providing the facility of California lifeline so that you can easily get a phone set and a network service provider to avail the facility.

By Phoneline:

If you have a good network service and you want discount on its charges then you must consider yourself to get the California lifeline facility. If you think you are eligible then follow the following steps.

1-      Make sure that your network service supports the facility.

2-      Inform your network service and they will initiate the application process once you have submitted all your information.

3-      You will receive the application form with a PIN number in a pink envelop within 3 weeks.

4-      Now the applicant can also use the paper process or the online process to complete the activation.

By Online:

1-      Visit the website of the California lifeline account access at

2-      Enter the number of your home telephone and the PIN number printed on the application form. Select the way that you heard about the California lifeline from the drop down menu.

3-      Click “Login” or create your account.

4-      When you have submitted for the application wait for the notice of the acceptance of the application from the California Lifeline.

5-      Finish the procedure by contacting your phone company.

[framed_box title=”Best Resources”  width=”560″ title_color=”Pink” rounded=”true”]

  1. CA Lifeline Program
  2. CA Lifeline FAQ:



  • December 29, 2016

    M D Dahlsten

    We just filled out and sent in our application for renewal of California Lifeline. Everything seemed fine when we submitted it; but when we hit the LOGOUT button, all of our entries were erased. This seemed sort of scary. Did we do
    it right?
    [email protected]

  • February 26, 2018

    Tu Nguyen

    My mobile network not available.

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