When you order something at online store it might happen that sometimes your order gets delayed due to any of the reason. People become very much conscious about their items and products which they have requested online. It becomes very difficult for them at this point to know about their order. They keep on calling the service centers of those companies but sometimes even they do not respond. For this purpose, it is best for people to track their orders online. Before tracking one should make sure that the company provides this facility. For tracking your order online, you need to go through the following steps.
- Connect the internet on your computer and open the website which is www.dillards.com .
- At the top of their page, you will see numerous options appearing. Among those options, at the third number there will be option of ‘track order’. You have to click on that option.
- A new page will appear whose title will be ‘order search’. In that page you will be requested to provide them your order number in the first box and in the second box you will be asked to provide your billing email address.
- Then you have to click the ‘search’ button.
- Result related to your online order will be displayed to you.
- If you are unregistered member then you have to click the ‘register’ button on their website.
- Your personal information will be asked and you have to write it in the relevant fields.
- Select your city, state and zip code.
- Give your complete contact details to them and provide permanent home address.
- Select a user ID and password for your account and click the Finish button in the end.
Tracking order takes only few minutes. Now there is no need to worry about delay in the receiving of your order. You can check it anytime whether you are at home, office desk or any other place. No problem will occur during this whole process.
About Company:
This is one of the biggest department store chains in United States. It was founded in the year 1938 and the founder of this store chain is William.T-Dillard. Headquarter of this store is located in Little Rock, Arkansas, U.S. According to report of January 2011 they have stores in 308 locations.