Credit card has become one of the basic needs of people these days. Without having one, people cannot enjoy most of the luxuries of life. Those who do not have access to credit card always try to misuse the credit cards of others. At this point, a lot of loss can occur in one’s account. It is very much important for people to keep themselves aware of their credit account. They must be careful all the time so that no one misuses their account. For this they can request an initial 90 day fraud alert through which their account gets protected.
- For requesting an 90 day fraud alert you need to visit their website after your internet gets connect that is .
- At the bottom of their homepage you will see an option of ‘request a fraud alert’, just click on that option.
- After this they will ask you that whether you want the fraud alert request for 90 days or for three years.
- Click on the former option and then click the ‘continue’ button.
- In the new page that will appear, you will be asked to fill out the form that will be shown to you.
- Firstly, provide your full name to them.
- In the next box, include your full date of birth and tell them about your gender also.
- Give them details regarding the city you live, state and its zip code.
- Also give your contact details to them and provide your permanent residential address to them.
- Give a valid email address to them and then you also need to select a security question for your account and answer it.
- Enter the characters that will be shown to you in the box.
- Then click the Finish button.
Through these fraud alerts, your account remains protected. You can check it anytime whether anyone is misusing your account or not. It takes just few minutes to send a request to them and they save a lot of your time.
About Company:
Equifax is a reporting agency where people can get reports about their credit. They do perfect credit risk assessment. It was founded in 1899 and Headquarter is located in Atlanta, Georgia, United States. They are serving worldwide and according to 2010 their operating income is US $ 430.0 million.