Guide To Get Your New Jersey E-Pass Account!! Pass Fast With E-Pass!

Orlando Orange County Express Authority provides E. passes to the vehicle owners and drivers to pass the tool way without even slowing. E-pass is a magnetic card and its sticker is pasted on the front of the car so that the radar or the machinery inside the toll booth can easily deduct your money and you can pass the toll way without even slowing down or stopping to find change in your pocket. The barriers just blink green and are open automatically but if the light blinks yellow then this doesn’t mean that you will be stopped it’s just a reminder that your card needs to be refilled with cash but if the light blinks red then that means that your account is completely empty and you will be stopped like others to pay the toll rent or ticket.

How To Get An E-Pass Account?

Getting an E-Pass account is not at all difficult because all you need is a computer, an internet connection and your E-Pass.


1-      Visit the Orlando Orange County Expressway website and Register for your new account.

2-      Provide your basic information like your name, number and contact information along with your e-mail address.

3-      Provide your E-Pass number code and set an ID and password for your account.

4-      Submit your data and all the information.

5-      Your account is ready to use.

What Are The Benefits Of Your E-Pass Account?

E-pass account has some vast benefits but in some limits.


1-You can refill your card with your credit card through this account.

2-You can pay OTC (Uniform Traffic Citation) from this account.

3-You can pay UTN (Unpaid Toll Notice) from this account

4-You can pay one or more citations or notices with one payment.

5-Credit cards and bank payments are also accepted easily which are never accepted at the Toll booth.

6-You can view the status and history of the previous payments.


1-You can only pay citations which have not been sent to the court yet.

2-You have to make sure that you have your citation number or notice with you.

3-Your license plate should also be available.

4- If the condition is serious or a serious violation is performed against the toll then your 3 year warranty can also be expired immediately.

Free mini stickers are available for the residents of Brevard Lake, Orange, Osceola, Siminole, Volvsia etc. It was also the award winner of CSI-Nihilent e-covariance Award. It enables its customers to pass from toll way at 25mph speed. Its point of sale equipment is in Metro manila areas and Greater Manila areas which are officially authorized by Citra Metro Manila. The toll way corporation has generated over 150,000 customers and they can also apply for e-pass by submitting application forms by hand.

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  1. E-ZPass Home Page:
  2. E-ZPass FAQs:



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