Access Kindle Support To Manage Your Payments

Now you can get and manage your Kindle 1-Click Payment Method with the use of the internet. Follow the steps below for having a guideline of the process.


  • For getting access, go to this link
  • On the first of all select the country and language to get access the page in your native language.
  • After clicking you will move on the next page from where you will proceed to set up kindle 1-Click Payment Method setting by clicking any device for online shopping.
  • You can see at the page many options given; you must go to the option of “Kindle Self-Service Tools”. After going to that option, click on the link named as “Manage Your Kindle”.
  • At the resulted page, you may find the fields in which you are supposed to enter your email ID. Give a valid email ID in the required field.
  • If you are already a customer of the company’s web site and have a password with you, the you will have to select the radio button option “Yes, I have a password” . Select this option and then enter the password of your account.
  • If you do not have any password with you then select the other radio button option and click on the button below by the name of “Sign In using secure Server”.
  • After making a click, you will be given a registration page where you will have to give your information as per asked by the company.
  • Give your name and your email ID in the fields. Re type the email ID for its confirmation.  After this, give your contact number information.
  • In the field below, you will have to enter your password and then you need to give its reconfirmation. After filling all the fields, click on the “Create Account” button below.
  • Go to the option “Your Kindle Account” and click on the option “Kindle payment setting”. After clicking this, you will need to edit your 1 click payment method setting by giving the details of your payment method.
  • Choose your credit card name, its type and give its correct number on the edit settings page. Give the expiry date of your card and then click on the “Continue” button on the right side of the fields.
  • After this, you will be instructed for payment by just having 1 click.

About Company:

Kindle Company has provided many for their users in terms of e-book reading. The company has provided the facilities in cooperation with Company has launched many devices for reading magazines, news papers and books online.

1 Comment

  • July 25, 2018

    Manuel Nestel

    I tray to pay the Tiket violation and I put the Notice # 0931800152254 and the PIN:8616
    and I can¨t pay. What can I do?, to pay .

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