Legion Magazine Readership Survey

About Company

Firstly you need to be aware a little about the magazine of Legion. Have you heard that it is published for almost 6 times in a year in total by Canvet publications ltd. If you are aware of national readership then you must know that it is in reality composed by the members of and the families of The Royal Canadian Legion, moreover from the Canadian forces some serving members are also included, moreover the police of Royal Canadian and all in all the general public as well. There are different areas of coverage such as policing issues, military, history of military, health, humor, veterans affairs, issues to concerns to senior citizens, recreation, affairs of interest that are current related to national audience.

This magazine enjoys hearing from its readers. This magazine welcomes letters for the Editor as well as all types of submissions in the popular column of Humour Hunt. Moreover there is a column of unit reunions where you are also allowed to place your notices.

About Survey

As I told you above it is published for 6 times in a year but I didn’t mentioned that it is written in English language but along with a French insert. You would be able to find in it different type of content such as a mixture of Canadian history and along with it the military heritage. Moreover along with it the topics of items of the military, all the current issues, issues related to health and Royal Canadian legion. It is one of the aims of this Legion magazine that it wants to improve its publications on continuous basis. Moreover another aim of this magazine is to attract readers to this much extent that they start thinking about the content and about those topics which interests them the most.

Process To Carry Out The Survey:

1-      You need to visit the website www.legionmagazine.com first from where you would be able to download the survey. You have an option to finish or complete it online. You need to click on the top of the web page and on the right hand side.

2-      In order to complete and finish the survey you are required to hit click on multiple choice boxes.  Plus you can also leave any additional comment at the end of the survey.

3-      If you are willing to enter the draw then you have its option at the end of the web page where you are required to enter your contact details.

4-      You need to hit click to “Submit” in order to finish the survey.

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