Founded in 1967 as cartographic services division of R.R. Donnelly and Sons, Chicago MapQuest is now owned by America Online since the year 2000. The company headquarters in Denver Colorado and is a free web mapping service owned by AOL.
About Company:
The services offered include digital mapping, street level detail and driving directions, rout plan navigation and road directions with a built in fuel cost calculator on the PC or laptop with internet access, on web enabled mobile phones and personal digital assistants too.
The MapQuest website has been recently updated and redesigned with user friendly interface. The new MapQuest offer also includes a toolbars for restaurant search, hotels search and gas station search.
Driving Direction At Mapquest:
Step By Step Procedure:
- Go to
- In the preference tab on the top right of the screen you can enter your vehicle name MPG etc. and preferred language. This makes MapQuest searches more refined especially cost calculations are more accurate if you do this.
- On the right side of the screen there will be a map with a panel on the left side to give input of your current location and your desired destination.
- Type in your point of departure (your currently location) in the first box (data entry field)
- Type in your desired destination at the second box (called a data entry field).
- Hit Get Directions buttons and you will get an idea of the basic route. You can customize this basic rout according to your preferences.
- If you want to optimize your trip distance, time or cost Click the small Options button on the bottom right of the second data entry field.
- Choose miles or kilometers according to your preference. Whatever you find easy to understand.
- Choose your optimization preference i.e. Time wise or distance wise.
- Provide input on the least preferred roads and transportation means. Like avoid highways, or ferries.
- Keep track of the estimated trip costs showing up at each change in the tour preferences.
- If you feel your modification is not an optimal solution you could click the button “Undo” and go back to the original rout suggested by Map Quest.
If you are new to a location and want to save your travel time or travelling cost MapQuest enables you to choose from a list of options with the estimated costs. You can always customize the tour by adding any desired stops and MapQuset will automatically adjust the route.
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MapQuest Home Page:
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