Upload Or Create Your Resume On Monster

When you are in the job market, there is one word that you should constantly keep in mind – leverage. Leverage is what gives you leg room to basically beat your rivals to a particular job; this article will focus on one way that you can basically outwit the competition – posting your resume online thus opening yourself up to potential employees. Specifically, the article will deal with posting your resume on Monster.com.

Monster.com is one of the largest online employment websites in the world. It is a product of the amalgamation between the Monster Board and the Online Career Center, a union that took place in the year 1999. Until recently it was regarded as the largest job search engines in the world, this online site has in excess of a million resumes in the database; per month, the online site receives over 63 million job seekers on its site. The company, that has its headquarters in New York City, is manned by 5,000 employees that are spread out over 36 countries.

Guideline On Uploading Resume:

With the above numbers it is only reasonable that you would want to post your resume online, and get some degree of leverage, right? The process of posting your resume online is quiet straight forward exercise; the steps that you need to travel are spelt out below:

  • Foremost, your first port of call should be the following link – www.monster.com – this leads you to the registration page;
  • The registration page requires that you choose a user name and password, enter your personal details, professional details, and educational qualifications, and then click now. You are now registered with Monster;
  • The next step involves uploading your resume- you will have to go to the main menu and click on the Post Resume Tab, and select the Upload Word link, this takes you to the Upload a resume page ;
  • There are a number of data fields that you will be required to enter – the title of the resume, whether you want the resume to be public or private, your work experience, the industry that you would want to work in, and lastly the specific locations that you would want to work in, and so on.
  • You need to press the browse button and select the upload the resume from where it’s stored. Lastly, you will need to click on the save resume button to complete the entire process.

This entire process should take you no more than ten minutes. It is important to understand that this entire process should take you no more than 10 minutes.


As stated from the outset of the article, the key word here is leverage. Posting your resume online is but one of the ways that you can leverage your skill sets in the tough job market. Monster. Com has online tools that ensure that you continually edit your resume to match the needs of a prospective employer or even to pad up your skill set, try it out today.

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