Join My MovieStarPlanet To Create A Movie Star Of Your Own

MovieStarPlanet is considered a waste of time by many but we should never pass comments on things about which we don’t know completely. MovieStarPlanet is not just an arcade games website but in fact it is something much more than that which is teaching the communication and the survival skills to its users in a completely new way of fun and enjoyment. It is the latest research that a person learns more when he learns something with interest while a thing which is boring or uninteresting for him will always evaluate minimum or no learning ratio on the subject. The logo of the MovieStarPlanet is to teach the children while they are having fun.

MovieStarPlanet was initially created by the financial support from Danish Ministry of Science Technology and innovation with the co-operation from The Danish University of Education and a lot of elementary school teachers.

MovieStarPlanet Specifications And Functions

There are many different functions of the website as it is a complete new world in itself.

1-      The social website provides a platform for the children and youngsters to meet with several other different friends and to enhance  their communication skills.

2-      They also enhance their learning skills.

3-      It give a sensation of entering into a world of your dreams.

4-      You can dress your avatar according to a movies star or you can dress it like you want to dress and you are unable to do so because of the society around you.

5-      You can play interesting games in the games arcade.

6-      You can go watch movies with friends and also go shopping with your friends from the cinema and the shopping mall.

7-      You can chat with your friends and feel everything happening live in your life.

Steps By Step Guide

1-      Visit the website of the

2-      If you are a regular user then all you have to do is to Log in to your account by giving your username and password and play in the planet as much as you like.

3-      If you are a new user then click on “new user?”

4-      Select a girl or a boy for your avatar according to your gender.

5-      Dress your avatar and accessorize it with different features. Shoes, jewelry and clothing.

6-      Click on “Done”.

7-      Create your user name, retype it and create your password and retype it for confirmation.

8-      Click on “Ok Done”.

9-      Provide your Birth date information.

10-  Read the terms and conditions and click on “I Accept”.

11-  Now click on “Create my account” and your account has been created.

12-  Now log in and wait for your avatar and the setup to load so that you can enjoy all the attractions of the MovieStarPlanet.

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