Take Part In Save-A-Lot Survey To Take Your Savings To The Next Level!

It is the need of modern era to save your earnings to maintain your budget. Nowadays we see women everywhere bargaining before purchasing anything. They search in different shops asking about the prices of same items to buy that particular item from the shop which has the most cheap rates. Save-A-Lot is the chain of super stores where every item is sold in discount. It is kind of a Big BAZAAR in India where everything is available in very cheap rates. It was founded by Bill Moran in 1977 and it’s headquarter is in Earth City, Missouri, United States. There are about 1,250 stores of Save- A Lot in United States and a normal or an average Save-A-Lot store is 15,000 square feet. There is every kind of daily products available in the store like Dairy, frozen foods, general grocery, meat, snacks, liquor, general merchandise, soups, tortillas, sodas, canned meat and beans, condiment, sea food, salad dressing along with frozen desserts. Each and every company works hard to keep its progress and to increase the pace of its success that is why Save-A lot has also designed a survey program for its customers to give their feedback for the betterment of the store and to make its customers more comfortable and satisfied while shopping. To increase their attention towards the survey they have also joined a sweepstakes scheme with the survey so that people fell more enthusiastic to win the $100  gift card in the sweepstakes and they  participate in the survey in a larger ratio.

Guide Of The Save-A-Lot Survey

The survey is made on carefully selected questions which will help the administration to get the new emerging themes and ideas for the improvement of the stores and to introduce more innovations in it.


1-      Visit the Save-a-Lot store and shop from there.

2-      Keep the receipt after paying the bill as it contains the code to enter the survey.

3-      Visit the website of Save-A-Lot.

4-      Select the language from English and Spanish.

5-      Click on “Begin Survey”

6-      Enter the text displayed in the image.

7-      Click “Next”.

8-      Enter the store number and the code on the receipt in the field where they are required.

9-      Click “Next”.

10-  Complete the survey and give your feedback depending on your shopping experience

11-  At the end of the survey you will be automatically added in the sweepstakes.


1-      The person should be of 18 years or above.

2-      The person should be a citizen of the limited cities described in the rules which are all the cities present in the States where the Save-A-Lot stores are present.

3-      The survey should e given at www.savealotlistens.com

4-      You must have a computer and an internet access.

Schedule Of The Sweepstakes

The sweepstakes have been a great hit because they are weekly and this gives the participant more chances to win.

1-      10 prizes are announced each week.

2-      It is a weekly system,

3-      Each prize is of $100 and is delivered to the winners once they are contacted.

4-      The users or the participants should give their complete details especially the right contact details so that the authorities can contact the winner otherwise the winner will be changed by the authorities.

Save-A-Lot stores are a great help to the people to shop for their groceries and other necessities in a very reasonable amount making it easy for them to maintain their budget which is a very good and innovative step towards the improvement of the society.

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