Lives of people without credit cards have become very much difficult. People now cannot even imagine their lives without this great facility of credit card. It is only through help of this card that they can easily make their payments anywhere they like. With the help of an online account their credit card can also be used to pay money in online stores. You can easily apply for credit card accounts online. Before applying for the accounts, you must keep in mind that there is no need to take tension as the process is very simple and easily understandable.
- Firstly, visit the following web page i.e. .
- On the page that will appear you will see that they will ask if you are already enrolled on their web site then provide username and password and click the sign on button.
- By giving both these things, you can sign in and manage your online account very much easily.
- If you are in need of getting enrolled then below the sign in option, enrollment form would be present. For this you need to make your last statement ready.
- In the first box, they will inquire from you the Card Number. In this you will not be allowed to enter any dashes or spaces. Only numbers need to be written on this box.
- Later, in the next field tell them about your Name On The Card. It is important to write the same name that is written on the card. If there is any title or suffix then do not forget to include it.
- Accept all their terms and policies and then in the end, click the Finish button.
With the help of credit card accounts online, you can get each and every detail of your account. Your past history and all activities can be checked anytime you like. For your assistance, their financial customer service center would always be present. If any other problem occurs you can go at their help center and solve your problem.
About Company:
This is a multinational departmental store chain. It was founded in Chicago, Illinois in the 1893. According to 2010, they have 2,248 locations in various locations. They serve in the following areas i.e. United States, Canada and Mexico. Sears holding corporation is the parent company.