Participate In Tell Red Robin Survey To Make The Red Robin Fly Higher!!

The Red Robin’s burgers are the most famous around the University of Washington because that where they were started initially at Sam’s Tavern near the university. Now it has spread so much and has introduced so many varieties in their burgers and has become a very large chain of fast food restaurants but it has not stopped working hard for the much better quality. Their motto is honor, integrity, continually seeking knowledge and having fun. A burger is seemingly just a burger but it is very important for the chef to focus on each and every ingredient of the burger so that the customers are always ready to come back whenever they want to have a fantastic burger, The chef has to make sure that the bread or bun of the burger is fresh and delicious, the inside material is according to the choice of the customer so there should be large varieties in it for vegetable lovers, meat lovers or cheese lovers etc. He should make sure that everything is fresh and healthy and that is the exact quality of the Red Robin’s burgers and to improve it further they have started to take surveys along with the prize contest of sweepstakes.

What Will I Need To Enter The Contest Of The Sweepstakes?

Just Basics:

The main requirements to enter the survey are very simple and easy.

1-      All you need to have is your 15 minutes and your survey will end in just 15 minutes.

2-      Visit the Red Robin’s website and enter for the survey.

3-      Select your language from English or Spanish.

4-      Enter your receipt code and make sure that your receipt must not be older than 14 days and you have just recently dinned in the Red Robin.

5-      Complete the survey and you will be entered in the contest.

6-      You can ask for the winners list on the website.

The Important Facts:

1-You must be a resident of the United States or Canada and Red Robin restaurant should be present in your city or country.

2- You must have a computer and an internet connection.

3- You must be 18 or above in age to perform the survey otherwise you won’t be considered eligible for the contest and you will not be entered.

4-The winners will be selected on a complete drawing procedure.

5-You should provide all your contact information completely correct so that the administration can reach you otherwise the winner will be changed and another participant will be selected for the prize.

6-The Company can change the rules according to their suitability and nobody has the right to criticize and the winners will be decided by the company finally.

The prize on sweepstakes is 1000 or an iPod and the greatest thing is that you get 10 chances to win it once you have filled the survey and this jackpot survey is being held by Red Robin Gourmet Burgers.

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  1. Survey Home Page:
  2. Survey Help:


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