When you create an online account on any web page it is important to keep on updating the information in it. This can be done only when you do a complete analysis of your account after regular intervals. If you keep this thing neglected then obviously you are going to suffer many things in the future. Now people can easily register for account analysis. The steps included for this process are very much simple. With the help of these instructions you can easily complete this process without going through any difficult. It will be completed in a very short time if you know all the things that they ask from you.
- After accessing the internet, go at the following web page i.e. www.vzw.com/accountanalysis .
- By giving your user ID or cell phone number to them you can easily sign in to their website.
- For account analysis you need to click on the button of ‘register’. It will be present on the right hand side of the page.
- When you will click on it, a new page will be displayed. For entering information into this page, it is important that your mobile device is activated. You can start the process by entering your mobile number and then click the Next button.
- After this your billing system password will be asked. Tell them this password if you have one or you will need to request a new one.
- Provide all the other details to them which they ask from you like all of your personal and contact details. You must be very much careful while entering these details.
- Accept all their terms and policies and then click the Finish button.
Through this registration process, you can easily make analysis of your My account. Your minutes and messages can be checked quite easily with the help of it. Even you get facility of changing or resetting your password anytime you want. Ringtones can be easily purchased and management of those ringtones can be done conveniently.
About Company:
This is an American company which is providing broadband and telecommunication services to its customers. This company was established in 1983 as Bell Atlantic. Headquarter of the company is located in New York City, United States. According to 2012, they have 188,200 employees working with them.